Crochet pattern stitch charts (symbol charts) are usually indicated in the pattern for crocheting.
70 Must Know Crochet Abbreviations and Definitions
alt: alternate
approx: approximately
beg: begin/beginning
bet: between
bl/blo: back loop/back loop only
bo: bobble
BP: back post
BPdc: back post double crochet
BPtdr: back post double treble crochet
BPhdc: back post half double crochet
BPsc: back post single crochet
BPtr: back post treble crochet
CA: color A
CB: color B
CC: contrasting color
ch: chain stitch
ch-: refer to chain or space previously made, e.g., ch-1 space
ch-sp: chain space
CL: cluster
cont: continue
dc: double crochet
dc2tog: double crochet 2 stitches together
dec: decrease
dtr:double treble crochet
edc: extended double crochet
ehdc: extended half double crochet
esc: extended single crochet
etr: extended treble crochet
FL/FLO: front loop/front loop only
foll: following
FP: front post
FPdc: front post double crochet
FPdtr: front post double treble crochet
FPhdc: front post half double crochet
FPsc: front post single crochet
FPtc: front post treble crochet
hdc: half double crochet
hdc2tog: half double crochet 2 stitches together
hk: hook
inc: increase
lp: loop
m: marker
MC: main color
md(s): round(s)
mm(s): millimeter(s)
pc: popcorn stitch
pm: place marker
prev: previous
ps/puff: puff stitch
rem: remaining
rep: repeat
rnd: round
RS: right side
sc: single crochet
sc2tog: single crochet 2 stitches together
sh: shell
sk: skip
sl st: slip stitch
sm/sl m: slip marker
sp: space
st: stitch
tbl: through back loop
tch: turning chain
tog: together
tr: treble crochet
tr2tog: treble crochet 2 stitches together
trtr: triple treble crochet
ws: wrong side
yo: yarn over
yoh: yarn over hook
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